Using intelligent solutions to reduce environmental impacts and offering easier and safer operation for the driver
To reduce the environmental impact as much as possible by increasing the application precision significantly and make the operation of the sprayer easier and safer for the driver, the NAVIGATOR “i” machines offers you the best intelligent spraying features.
General info:
Sprayer Category: Trailed
Location: Denmark
Model Year:
Production Year: 2023
Sales Date:
Tank Size: 5000
Hectares Sprayed:
Price: € 54.000
Serial Number: UKHSP013XN0003888
Item Number: 85014500
Boom Type: EAGLE
Total Boom Width: 30 m
Boom Sections: 9
Boom management:
Nozzle Holder: Snap-fit Triplet
Extra Functions:
Fluid System:
Pump Type: 464 (540 RPM)
Fluid System: EFC
Boom Cirulation:
Extra functions: ["DynamicFluid4"," TurboFiller"]
Chassis, Suspension & Tyres
Tyres: None
Mudguards: Large
Tracking System:
Suspension: SmoothRide
Axle System: Adjustable Axle
Axle Width: 1.8-2.25
Extra functions:
Electronics & Controller:
Controller Type: [" HARDI ISOBUS"]
Extra Functions:
Nozzle type: [" FLAT FAN"]
Important Information:
The shown model may contain additional equipment